A happy, vibrant and aspirational learning environment for boys
Private Tour
Experience the St John’s Difference
Take a tour of St John’s School
See the school in operation on a normal school day
Hear from our Headteacher
Meet our pupils and key staff
Call 020 8866 0067 or email admissions@st-johns.org.uk, to arrange a private tour of St John’s.
“St John’s has given our boys a fantastic start, combining academic achievement with the chance to try new experiences.”
– St John’s Parent
Assessment at 3+, 4+ and 7+
To ensure that each boy has the potential to flourish within the environment and culture of St John’s.
3+ Assessments
Assessment Dates: Thu 17 - Fri 18 October
Application Deadline: Fri 27 September
4+ Assessments
Assessment Dates: Tue 7 January
Application Deadline: Fri 13 December
7+ Assessments
Assessment Dates: Thu 7 November
Application Deadline: Fri 18 October